The BE:DO Approach

What is the BE:DO Approach?

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Introducing The BE:DO Approach

In a busy world there's a lot of pressure to always be “doing” something but how often are we just “being”? We are on a secret mission to replace the old school ambition of finding the illusive work:life balance with something that's more suited to how many of us now work and live. The balance of how much time we are Being and how much time we are Doing.

Some of us are busy little bees, rushing from meeting to meeting and school pick-up to hair appointment to spin class. And that's OK, some of us like that level of doing and feel relaxed however many appointments they have.

For some people, that sounds exhausting and they can't understand why people would spend so much time rushing. They like to take their time and not plan 'too' much into a day. Who has the better work:life balance? It depends on where you're coming from and that is at the heart of the BE:DO Approach, we are each individuals and one person's 'being' time is another person's 'doing' time.

The being and doing concept is understanding that it is important to find the time to just be in the moment. Being conscious in that moment is greatly under-appreciated with so many distractions in the modern world but that some of us are busy little bees and that's OK! It comes from building self-awareness as to what is important to us and how we react in different situations. Let us each find our own balance and be proud of it.

Want better balance in 2023?

Here's 10 great reasons to join
1. Establish your values and find your purpose with our proven Be:Do method
2. Re-align your priorities through this crisis 
3. Create a clear action plan to find your personal balance
4. Access for life to the Be:Do Approach video series so you can revisit it anytime
5. Monthly laser-focused coaching sessions on topics to support your personal development
6. Access to recorded sessions so you can watch back anytime
7. Worksheets and audios accompanying the coaching sessions to accelerate the coaching process
8. 24/7 email coaching as we hold your hand throughout the 3 -months on any coaching areas - you email us and we respond within 24 hours with support and coaching tools 
9. Access to a supportive, private community 
10. Transforming your life in 2 hours per week

Register your interest here!
 BE:DO Boost
Our starter programme gives you access to participation in our monthly group webinar or access to the recording if you miss the session.  You will receive our five-part video series introducing the BE:DO Approach.

We will support you with a resource pack to help you establish your values, find your purpose, identify your priorities and find your personal balance.  This will be through email coaching with either Laura or Laila.

So to recap, in our BE:DO Boost three-month programme: 
- Monthly group coaching session via Zoom
- Five-part video series introducing the approach
- Resource pack to establish values
- Email coaching support throughout to achieve your goals and perfect balance

Register your interest here!
BE:DO Rocket
Not only do you get access to everything from the BE:DO Boost programme, you will also get:

A dedicated 60 min phone coaching session with Laura or Laila to discuss any development area - with clear actions and outcomes

3 x 30 min group meditation sessions to re-centre and refocus - with a clear mind you will be able to approach your goals and priorities with renewed energy! 

Features of BE:DO Rocket
- Monthly group coaching session via Zoom
- Five-part video series introducing the approach
- Resource pack to establish values
- Email coaching support throughout to achieve your goals
- 60 min phone coaching session with Laura or Laila
- 30 min monthly group meditation sessions

Register your interest here!
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